The Right Way to Be Rich Part 3 ” Looking To Get”

Sermon Notes For Today’s Message

The Right Way to Be Rich – Part 3

“Looking to Get”


The right way to be rich involves looking to ___________, looking to ____________ and looking to _____________.

1 Timothy 6:17-19


We are _________ rich.

Looking to God involves staying ____________ and ____________.

Looking to give involves good ______________, _____________, and ___________________.   

So often in life when we give we also _______________.

Big idea:  Handling riches well guarantees a ______________ treasure, a ___________ foundation and a ________________ perspective.

Handling Riches Well Guarantees a…

1.  ______________ treasure.  The treasure here is not ____________ but _______________.

Matthew 6:19-20


You can’t ___________ it with you but you can _________ it          on ahead.

2.  ________________ foundation.

The emphasis here is on God’s ability to _______________             our resources for eternal _____________.

God uses our money and our good works to ___________ the lives of people we will never ___________             or never _______________. 

3.  __________________ perspective.

This doesn’t mean that we can ___________ eternal life     through giving.

The exhortation here is to live this life like    ______________ life is the life that matters most. 

1 Timothy 6:12


Most people think a ___________ about today and very      ______________ about tomorrow.

Riches that are given to us by God are simply a        _____________ to an end, not the end itself.

Giving takes our focus off of the __________ and _________         and places our focus on the ____________ and ___________.


For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?  Or what will a man give             in exchange for his soul?


Big idea:  Handling riches well guarantees a ______________ treasure, a ___________ foundation and a ________________ perspective.
