Receiving And Regifting God’s Way Part 3 “God-Given Cures to the Kill-Joys of Life”

Sermon Notes

Receiving and Regifting…God’s Way – Part 3

God-given Cures to the Common Kill-Joy’s of Life

 In my own life I’ve discovered I don’t use the word __________ very often. 

 A biblical definition of “joy” is ____________  __________________.

 God desires this kind of joy for every person:  Psalm 5:11, Romans 15:13, Galatians 5:22 

 However, there are things in life that seek to ______________ or even ______________ our joy. 

 We can be ________________ of the ________________ and _________________ that rob us of our joy.

Big Idea:  I can use “God-given” ______________ to win against the ______________ things which threaten my joy.

 Four Common “Kill-Joys” and Their God-Given Cures

 Kill Joy #1:  __________________   Psalm 32:3-4

Cure:  ____________________  Psalm 51:10-12

 When we _______________ of our sin we ________________        our joy.

Kill Joy #2:  ____________________

Cure:  ______________________

There is incredible joy in __________________ God’s commands.  John 15:9-11

Kill Joy #3:  _______________  ____________________  Luke 2:18-19,  Luke 1:28

Cure:  ________________  _______________________  John 16:20-22

It is not the ______________ of Jesus but the ______________     of Jesus that brings joy to the world.

 I can’t promise you a different _______________ but God      promises you a different _____________________.

Kill Joy #4:  _______________________

Suffering comes in all _______________ and ______________.

Cure:  _____________________ with Jesus  1 Peter 4:12-13

You may never know ____________ you have been chosen to suffer but you can know __________ has             chosen you to suffer.
