Claiming The Promised Life Part 5 “Overcoming Obstacles Through Faith and Obediance”

Scripture Used In Todays Message:

Joshua 6: , Hebrews 11:30 , Matt. 5:43-18:22, 2Timothy 3:16

Sermon Notes

Claiming the Promised Life – Part 5

Overcoming Obstacles Through Faith and Obedience

 The city of Jericho stood as an ___________________ to the taking of the promised land.

 Like Jericho, some obstacles in our lives must be worked ____________ because they can’t be worked _________________.

Big Idea:  Obstacles in the promised life are overcome by ___________ in God and by ______________ His word.

 Jericho had a series of two walls, representing a total elevation of ___________ feet.

Joshua 6:1-5

 1.  Obstacles in the promised life are overcome by _____________ in God.  Hebrews 11:30

 Believing God’s plan brings Him ________________.

 When God has a plan it is ______________ about Him.

 Obstacles that we see as _______________ the road are         seen by God as ____________ in the road.

 We must trust that overcoming our obstacle is not         primarily for our _____________ but for God’s __________.

 Believing God’s plan means _________  ________ my plan.

 God’s plan made no ______________ sense.

Often the words of Jesus make no earthly sense but       they make complete sense to _____________.

Matthew 5:43,  Matthew 18:22

 Are you willing to set aside the _____________ you’ve          plotted for the ______________ God has planned?

 Are you willing to set aside your plan to ____________        them for God’s plan to ___________ them?

 When we trust God to do things His ________ and for        His ____________ we will not be disappointed.

 2.  Obstacles in the promised life are overcome by _______________ God’s word.

 Some possible ideas for verse 6…..

 The real verse 6….

Following God’s word means _____________ God’s word.

2 Timothy 3:16

 Though the details of God’s plan were _________, the         purpose of God’s words were _________________ with             what God had said in the past.

 Following God’s word is _____________ when we’ve            followed it in the past.

 As we follow in the _____________ things we gain     confidence to follow in the ________ things.

 Joshua 6:20

 Big Idea:  Obstacles in the promised life are overcome by ___________ in God and by ______________ His word.

