Can We Really “Get Away” With Anything?

A few days ago a story came out about a star defensive player from the University of Southern California (USC) injuring himself while saving his nephew from drowning.  The player, Josh Shaw, said that he was injured when he jumped off a second floor balcony to save his 7 year old nephew who was struggling to stay afloat in the pool.  When the story came out Josh Shaw was universally acclaimed as a hero…someone who selflessly put his own professional future in doubt to save someone’s life.  Later, the story was updated with the fact that some had come forward questioning the story that Shaw was telling.  Then, Shaw admitted that he lied about the incident though I don’t believe the details of what actually happened have come out.

I thought to myself, and I share the thought with you, “Did he really think he was going to get away with lying about this?”  In today’s world, with cell phones and social media, do public figures really think they can keep things “hidden”?  Then I got to thinking about my own life…and my own sin.  Do I think that I can keep things hidden from others?  To a certain extent I can; and you can also.  We don’t have media looking into our lives because we are not “national news”.  But we can’t hide anything from God.  God doesn’t need social media.  He is omniscient and omnipresent at the same time.  The truth is that we really don’t get away with anything.  We think we do…it looks like we do…but we really don’t.  So, faced with that truth, what do we do?

Repent and Confess.  That’s what we do.  Keep very short accounts on your sin.  We all sin.  We all do things and say things and think things that we should not.  However, the grace of God is available to each of us.  But we can’t access that grace and forgiveness if we don’t confess.  1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.  This is a truth that followers of Jesus can hang onto.  This is a truth that should appeal to those who do not follow Jesus.  You and I are not getting away with anything; but we can be forgiven of everything.  Think about that…and come to Jesus Christ!


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